
Location: Texas, United States

I'm a 25 year old female, with an inner child of 6! I live in texas and spend much of my time living as that very real child inside of me.


My friend Sammy
My mommy

Support Groups I belong to
Inner Child World

Phoenix Hope
GirlTalk Forums

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--a webzine for adult little girls!

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About Me!
I am a 25 year old female. I have alot of health problems both physical and mental.I also have a very strong inner child, her name is Maya and she is 6. This is my way of dealing with my illnesses and my life, through her eyes.

I have a very awesome mommy, I was adopted Christmas day of 2005! I also have, 3 sisters, a brother, tons of cousins, aunts an uncle and so very many special friends.

I am a very spoiled little girl and I know it!
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Coming out of hiding

Hmm what's been going on for me....well my big adopted her little girl November 11th, but that's kinda stuff my big should talk bout so maybe my big needs her own blog hehe! but it's been super awesome for me too, so I guess I can talk about it too because it does affect me. It makes me really happy to see them both happy and just, like everytime my big would see her, for like the whole year and then some that she knew her, we'd feel our hearts leap up inna our chest, cause like, she was just already inside our heart then, so it bein' official is just well the most super awesome thing ever!

I'm kinda fightin off feelin's of depression lately, it gets so cold and so dark so early and it's just blahh lots. So today I made myself get outta bed, put real clothes on and do stuff. and like all weekend I did like over 10 loads of laundry it was crazy! And so there is already another whole 3 loads to do but anyhoo hehe at least some of it got done!

There is more I want to say, and I haven't really felt like posting my blog in puvlic in a while, so I'm just kinda gunna hide out here for a bit til I feel ok again.

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