I don't feel quite so out of place like I did a few days ago. I was just getting into this huge funk and I was starting to feel depressed too, but I'm slowly getting over it. I have such an amazing support network of friends and family, and so little by little the need to play is coming back, and my mommy actually wants to play with me now, she actually wants to be around. The world is starting to feel like a wonderful place again!
And it's different from before, I can be bouncy and happy, and know I am loved. I can be sad, angry, mad, frustrated, silly, manic, crazy...well not tooooo crazy hehe, and know I am loved. And....I can be the inbetween everyday me and...still be loved! The balance of things is getting back into focus. The big part of me is absolutly the happiest she's ever been because she has a neice now along with her two little girls, and life just is really starting to feel ok for now.
On Saturday I got to buy toys and sooo....I got 4 new books, they are Ramona Quimby books, which are my favorite book from when I was a biokid, and I wanted to buy more Junie B. Jones books, but they'll have to wait til next month i think. And I got a HUGE Dora the Explorer draswing pad with 20 pictures to color in it. and new crayons, and a printer so I can print coloring pages offline! And we bought Candyland, only Dora themed of course! And so I was very spoiled this weekend!
It's been raining buckets here...and West Texas is not suposda be this wet, an so if any of you people in other places are missin' any rain we got it! An wet cows are smelly!~gigglin an holds nose~
There are still alot of things to work out in my heart. Aot of things my family has to deal with and get through together but....I think I just need patience and to give it some time. I'm not a very patient person, but I'm gunna really try on this one!
~zooms off~