There are some days, when i am not happy. On some of those days I just want to scream. There are some people who think that havin' a mommy in real life, 24/7 is such a super great thing! An.....wait! I mean it is! I wouldn't trade the way my life is for the entire world's supply of mountain dew! But also that it is not always perfect. Some nights my life is like a fairy tale, and I get bedtime stories and bath times. Somedays I get to have picnics an tea parties, an sometimes I get to go to the toy store an then stop for ice cream onna way home! An on those days when I am surrounded by so much love and acceptence of who I am in my heart....all I can do is sigh contently.
However, most days are not like that. Most days I put myself to bed, or I play by myself. Most days I lay in bed an I'm super brat to my mommy about bedtimes, or takin my meds or gettin my finger poked. An on some of those days, she tells me I have frustrated her, an that I gotta be big an finish the thing myself, an so....I do!
An cept some people don't seem to understand this, because they don't think that things like this happen, an so when it happens that my big is not around.....they are super mad grumpy people! an cept, how come they should get endless nigths of uninterrupted routine, when I get maybe one night every 2 weeks that is even close to bein' that fairy tale perfect.
Sometimes....I wish that people could really take a good look....acause....I'm startin to loose my my heart feels like it's breakin' cause this picture perfect life, it's not my's not....not....not.
I love my life, it's little, and broken....but it's mine.
I love my family and my friends.
I'm so very lucky.
I just, don't like the few people who forget it's not perfect by any means.