This morning my fasting blood sugar was 124! And with only being back on medication just for 8 days, i was very happy with that number with the anticipation that they would simply keep getting lower and lower. And then let's see for breakfast I had two peices of toast with very little butter. Then at lunch I had the other half of my portion of spagetti from last night. (I am getting better with being able to half the portions i normally would have eaten) and for a snack I had a 17 carb serving of doritos. And then at dinner I had a hormel kids entree of beans and was a 37 carb meal so not too bad really since my dietician says i am allowed 45 for a meal and 15 for snacks. And 2 hours after dinner it was....107! That is the lowest number I have seen yet and i am sooo proud of myself. So I had a 16 carb serving of a little debbie snack, just for a treat for myself, but not an overload of a treat because I cut the snack in half and put it in a baggie for tomorrow!
I'm really really happy with this progress, because after being out of control for so long I think i have finally found something that truly will work, I have a doctor who truly listens and life just feels good and very happy.
The only really kinda bad thing is that my body isn't used to these normal blood sugar levels still....and so i get alot of headaches and low energy and nausea, but soon my body will remember what normal blood sugar feels like and i'll be back to reallllly zooming again! It's sad that I'm anxious to go back to my doctor and show him this progress, also find out how my blood pressure and cholesterol levels are too....but i gotta wait for now!
Da zoomer!!