Today was a reallu good day all in all. It started out scary by seeing the psychiatrist, but it turned out that the guy was really nice! And so he listened to all the things I told him I was havin' problems with, like being extra emotional and getting angry or easily irritated at's hard lotsa times to admit that kinda stuff, because I always work so hard to be so happy, but lately it feels like my mask is unraveling at the seams, and I'm finding out the real me isn't so horrible after all....just human.
And so I have new meds to help stabilize my moods and to help me sleep better at night now. and my blood sugar was even good today, and I wasn't even really grumpy about it, I didn't feel sad when I couldn't eat chocolate an mountain dew, because I loved hearing from the nurse today how impressed she was with my blood sugar number, and it just made me smile so very much.
Two days of a break, to just chill an be happy an then i see my caseworker on tuesday. It's silly to want to write about such simple mundane things I think, but it really makes me feel proud to see how much my life has changed for the better in the past month. I even lost 5 pounds! And so even though it's been some roller coaster ride of adjustments, I'm content with my life now.
Me and my mommy listened to our radio program together today, and we're getting to talk more lately, she actually asks me how i feel about things like my councilor, or my doctor and it's just nice and cozy lately, it's not perfect by any means, but I'm learning perfect isn't all it's cracked up to be either.
~puts down my pen an zoooooms for the night~