
Location: Texas, United States

I'm a 25 year old female, with an inner child of 6! I live in texas and spend much of my time living as that very real child inside of me.


My friend Sammy
My mommy

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Inner Child World

Phoenix Hope
GirlTalk Forums

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--a webzine for adult little girls!

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About Me!
I am a 25 year old female. I have alot of health problems both physical and mental.I also have a very strong inner child, her name is Maya and she is 6. This is my way of dealing with my illnesses and my life, through her eyes.

I have a very awesome mommy, I was adopted Christmas day of 2005! I also have, 3 sisters, a brother, tons of cousins, aunts an uncle and so very many special friends.

I am a very spoiled little girl and I know it!
Friday, September 22, 2006
Busy week!

This was a really busy busy week for me!!

First I went to see my caseworker on tuesday, and she got me set up with my first appointment with my new councilor that was on Thursday, (more about that next). But w also talked about other things on Tuesday, like what kind of goals I want to set in my life and such. And I told her I flat out just didn't know, that alot of times people ask me what I want, or what I like, or what I think about things and i find myself just really not knowing at all what it is that I actually want, because I have spent so much time in my life wearing a happy mask for people that I'm literally clueless as to who I really am in lotsa ways. So now before Tuesday, i have to make a list of things I want to do in the next 3 months. She says I should put silly things, and serious things, even if it's that i want to like take more bubble baths or something, and then she also said, next week she's going to work with me on things like relaxation techniques, to help me not be so anxious all the time, so it was a good productive visit with her and I hadn't felt that productive in a while.

And then Thursday I met my new councilor, and she wasn't what I expected at all! she was really super nice and not that i expected her to be mean, but after my last couple of experiences being so bad, it was very comforting to feel like someone was really listening to me. We talked alot about me wanting to feel less stuck where I am in life right now, and to be able to like get out more to do things and mostly she asked questions and listened to my answers and it was really nice to just feel positive about this whole counciling thing now.

And then after my counciling session we had our walking group, and we went to a different place then the track this time, we went to a park that has a big winding path all through it and it was just a really nice day for a walk, there was a good breeze blowing and it was just really good to feel like I was making more progress in that area of my life too. I took lots of breaks on the benches, but when we got done, they said they thought this path was longer then one turn around the track, so I actually walked longer and that was great to know!

And then today was our wellness group, and it was just me and 3 other people, so the leader took us on a feild trip and we toured the YMCA here, so we could also get info on scholarships so we don't have to pay hardly anything for membership, and so I'm seriously considering doing that and getting signed up with water aerobics classes soon because I think it will be really good for me to have yet something else to be active and involved with.

It's just been a really lazy night tonight, my back hurts some, so even though I have lots more thoughts zooming around my head, I'm going to cut this short and hopefully blog more tomorrow.

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